Saturday, April 18, 2015

Social Engine V3.15 and Facebook Template

Social Engine V3.15 and Facebook Template
This is a social networking site and the script is made available to everyone and we feel proud in presenting this clone script to you. The Script can be customized and can be branded for yourself. It is a script made by us, done to match every function of the real thing. The script Face book clone includes full support, free installs and unlimited free updates. . The script is designed in such a way that provide a collection of various ways for users to interact, such as chat, messaging, email, video, voice chat, file sharing, blogging, discussion groups and so on. Face book clone is developed as Social Community website Users can share their Profile, Pictures, Videos, Music, Papers and Events with their Friends forming a Group in the site.

User Profiles
• Multi-part profiles
• Customizable profile fields
• Dependent profile fields
• Regex field validation
• Keyword links
• Birthday fields
• Personal photos (avatars)
• Profile privacy
• Comments
• Custom CSS styles
Network Structure & Customizability
• Subnetworks
• Several friendship structures
• One-way or two-way friendships
• Verified or unverified friendships
• Friendship types (titles)
• Friendship explanations
• Public/private sections
• Custom privacy levels
• Signup by admin invitation
• Signup by user invitation
• Customizable signup process
• Email messages
Frontend, Look & Feel
• Template engine
• Global CSS styles
• No copyright notice
• Portal page example included
• Multi-language support
• Search engine friendly URLs
Anti-spam Features
• Email address verification
• Random password generation
• Automatic “CAPTCHA” images
• Inappropriate content reports
• Simple user management
• User banning
• Word censors
• Blocklist Photo Albums (Plugin)
• All file types accepted
• Automatic thumbnails
• Multiple albums per user
• Storage space limit per user
• File size and dimensions limit
• Automatic image resizing
• Custom CSS styles
• Browse friends’ albums
• Comments
• Multiple simultaneous uploads
• Album privacy
Blogs (Plugin)
• WYSIWYG entry composer
• Seamless image upload
• Custom CSS styles
• Blog entry categories
• Blog entry privacy
• Comments
Groups (Plugin)
• Customizable group fields
• Group categories
• Browse groups
• Group photo album
• Membership rankings
• Membership approval/rejection
• Membership invitations
• Custom CSS styles
• Comments
• Group Discussion Board
Classifieds (Plugin)
• Privacy Settings
• Customizable Categories and Fields
• New Classifieds Email Notification
• Classifieds Listings
• Listing Settings
• Comments
• Classified Listing Photos Events (Plugin)
• Event Calendar
• Invitations and RSVPs
• Event Photos
• Privacy Settings
• Customizable Event Categories
• Event Email Notifications
• Event Listings
• Event Browser
Chat (Plugin)
• Efficient AJAX Chat System
• Smilies, Sounds, and Timestamps
• Privacy Settings
• Update Frequency
• Who’s Online
Video (Plugin)
• Upload Video Content
• Embed YouTube vidoes
• Browse Videos
• Video Rating
Private Messages
• Message inbox/outbox
• Message limits
• Conversation history
• New message notifications
• Separate MySQL database
• Immediate indexing
Other Tools
• Email announcements
• News announcements
• Comprehensive statistics
• Access log
• Bundled “PHP/Flash charts” class

Installation Instructions

In order to install SocialEngine4, you need four pieces of information. If you do not know what they are,

please contact your hosting provider and ask them.

MySQL Server Address (often “localhost”, “, or the server IP address)

MySQL Database Name

MySQL Username

MySQL Password

Download the SocialEngine4 ZIP file and extract it to your computer.

Upload all of the files to your hosting account (it can exist either in the root HTML directory, or a


If you are using a Unix server (or Unix variant, like Linux, OS X, FreeBSD, etc.) you must set the

permissions (CHMOD) of the following directories and files to 777:

/temporary/ (recursively; all directories and files contained within this must also be changed)

/public/ (recursively; all directories and files contained within this must also be changed)

/application/themes/ (recursively; all directories and files contained within this should also be changed)

/application/languages/ (recursively; all directories and files contained within this must also be changed)

/application/settings/ (recursively; all files contained within this must also be changed)

Access the SocialEngine installer by accessing your website; the installer wizard will automatically begin.

Upload all the files to a hosting account. These files should be uploaded to a web-accessible directory.


Download Link

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